Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Bald Diaries

The reason I'm blogging about this is because I want to remember why I got my head shaved and how people reacted to it.

Yep. I'm a girl if you hadn't noticed it yet. I decided to get a tonsure last Sunday. I had been contemplating the same for YEARS. I finally had the guts and courage to go ahead and do it.

I had attempted to do it a couple of weeks ago. The beauty parlour lady almost swooned. She started hyperventilating and told me how I had a cute face and that "Baal" (hair) was the only beauty for a woman.
"Baal is the only beauty for a girl yaar.... How can you do this??? I can't do this yaa... I have feelings okay..."
I was too lazy to go and check out another place - I cut it short.

The last week when I was looking for a place to buy a new laptop charger - I found this unisex salon. I went there and asked if they would do a tonsure. I would've done it right then if it weren't for my rank son - Navaneeth. The jackass acted like he was going to have an epileptic attack. He started saying things like "I will never talk to you if you did this!!" (If there was something called a Drama king, he'd be the one) Though I like the little chap, I found this ridiculous. Why does it bother people when I want to take off MY hair? Is it that they would rather hang out with only "good-looking" people with hair? Talk about being superficial!

I had similar responses from a lot of people - almost EVERYONE tried dissuading me from doing it. Bleargh.
So the last Sunday, I decide. I go straight to the salon (Glam and Glitz, Chandra Layout for other souls who want to do it) and ask them to chop it off. I was a little apprehensive in the beginning. Not enough to run away though. Everyone at the Salon was looking at me as if I was a creature from the other world with eyes in its nostrils wearing undies over its pants.
Post-tonsure effects are the best!

I felt liberated.
You can feel the breeze.
No shampoo/conditioner/oil/hairspray/hairdryer/clips/scrunchie investment required.
Just one problem - I was freezing cold. I kept getting a head ache when my head was exposed to air for prolonged durations.

The reactions I got were very interesting.
Neha actually said that it suited me.
Meera FROZE with her mouth gaping open.
Preeta went into shock. Lol. She kept wincing everytime took off the scarf.
Raeesa said "You actually did it?" "Cool"
I got the "Cool" comment from a bunch of other women as well.
Some of them thought I needed therapy.
"Are you okay? You can talk to me if you want......"
"What the fuck is WRONG with you woman??"
"That takes a lotta guts man......."
"You're looking HOT MAN!!"

If theres something I have done that has evoked the most diverse comments - shaving my head would be it!!!

Most of the guys didn't take this too well. My rank son decided to stop talking to me. He glared at me everytime he saw me.Some others couldn't look at me. Some winced at the sight of a bald head on a woman.
Sheesh. Like I care anyway.

I kept taking off my cap (given to me by Raeesa. One of the best things she has ever done. I'm so grateful, because, if i didn't have it, I'd be freezing to death)whenever I see someone. The responses never fail to entertain me.

Now I have people who have NEVER spoken to me, talking to me about why I did it.

I'm loving it though. I really never thought I would be confident enough to carry this off. I can't believe that I had the guts to do this and that I'm feeling good about it after it as well!

I thought dressing up like a guy with a moustache AND dancing for EMD was one of the weirdest things I've done.... till I learnt to drive an auto. That's when I thought, nothing can get weirder than this.
Now... going bald for no reason happens to be the weirdest thing I've ever done.

I hope I break this record. :)

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